Hosting Pros web hosting company offers a wide range of web hosting. Hosting Pros is your one stop place for website hosting space! We can supply all your hosting needs whether you are an individual looking to put a few pages on the web or a full fledged corporation looking to E-Commerce enable your website today!


If you have already a website or if you are thinking about starting a new business, DomainsAide is a great way to start making money and ensure a constant stream of revenues. And you don't even need to pay tons of money and install countless numbers of small tools - because we have put everything you need in one single comprehensive package.

Using our state-of-the-art software you can offer your customers a broad array of services which they are bound to love. And since most of the things are automated and easily customizable through the Web interface, you don't need many technical skills and you don't need to spend a lot of time managing your DomanisAide business.

Features & Benefits

  • Very easy to install, manage and customize with your own look and feel.
  • Supports many TLDs: .com, .net, .org, .edu, .uk, .ca, .info, .biz, .us.
  • Wide choice of modules and functionality which you can combine in order to offer flexible membership plans to your customers:

    • Directories Watcher : continuously watch Yahoo and DMOZ for expired domains, so your customers can start with well positioned domains from the begining, instead of building their popularity from scratch. (this module is still included in the older version 3 only, but no longer supported)
    • Domains Monitor : the system will keep a close eye on the domains wanted by your members and have them notified when as soon as they become available.
    • Find Expired Domains : search for expired and on-hold domains.
    • Domain Popularity : find out how popular a domain name is in the major search engines. (included in older version 3 only)
    • Yahoo and DMOZ Analysis : find domains listed in Yahoo and DMOZ which will expire within a certain timeframe.
    • Future Expires : find domains containing certain keywords and will expire within a certain timeframe.
    • Name Suggestions : find available domain names matching your desired keywords.
    • Directories Positioning : find out how well a domain name is positioned in Yahoo and DMOZ directories. (included in older version 3 only)
    • Domain Name Registration : easily insert your favorite domain registration code (or use the default).
    • Backorder Names : easily insert your favorite domain backorder affiliate code (or use the default). (included in newer version 4 only)
    • Whois Tool : find out the registration information for any domain name. (included in newer version 4 only)
    • Template Driven : customize your site appearance quickly and easily through the template system.
    • Automatic Billing and Access : using the Paypal IPN system, all billing and access is automatic and hands free.
    • Highly Customizable : you set the type of plans, the price and features. Variable operations to operate on almost any type of hosting.

  • Fully administrable through the Web interface.
  • Can run on Linux, Unix and Windows, either on dedicated server on shared hosting servers.


  • PHP 4.1.0 or higher
  • PHP running with Safe Mode "off"
  • MySQL 3.20.0 or higher
  • Cron-tab required for proper monitoring stability

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